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About Neurodiverse Church
Helping churches to be healthier by becoming more neurodiverse
and helping neurodivergent people to be healthier by being part of church.
In order for the Body of Christ to fulfil its potential, it needs to be as diverse as possible, and that means including the neurodivergent and helping them to use their gifts. If they aren’t included, everyone misses out.
Society is often set up to exclude those who are neurodivergent. Usually that’s unintentional, but it still happens far too often. The church should be leading the way on inclusion and valuing people – we want to help them do that!
We’re committed to working within the framework of the historic Christian faith, as revealed in Scripture and summarised in the Nicene Creed and the EA Basis of Faith.
True transformation comes from the renewing of the mind (Rom 12:2). So we seek to help Christians to understand neurodiversity better, and to love neurodiverse Christians more effectively.
Neurodiverse Voices is a series of conversations with a wide range of neurodiverse people about their experiences of church and faith.