MI5 and Neurodiversity

There’s a great article on the BBC News website about an autistic MI5 (British secret service) officer, and the ways that he is finding his autism can help him in his role, as well as some of the difficulties he has experienced.

This is a particularly helpful bit.

He says he can now see the strength in the way he approaches tasks and describes intelligence work as like solving a complex jigsaw puzzle, where neurodivergent people may be able to offer alternative perspectives, and help plug knowledge gaps.

He says his hyperfocus, attention to detail, and good memory have also proved fruitful in the field.

A security analyst also points out that having a neurodiverse team is really helpful for avoiding “the ‘groupthink’ which comes from only having one type of background or one way of understanding the world”.

He also talks about his experience of autistic burnout and how he has found helpful ways to avoid it – doing one thing at a time, having routines and having conversations about what to prioritise.

Interesting Links



John Allister


John Allister is the vicar of St Jude’s Church in Nottingham, England.

He is autistic, and has degrees in Theology and Experimental & Theoretical Physics.


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